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Terms of Use

Welcome to the official website of the Ivanić-Grad Tourist Board.

A person who uses the website by using it unconditionally agrees to the application of these Terms of Use and is considered to be able to accept these Terms of Use and understand all the risks associated with the use of the content published and available here.

All information contained on the page is offered to provide accurate and complete information to the public about the activities, work and actions of the Ivanić-Grad Tourist Board within its administrative scope. Official announcements and photos are available for download without restrictions, with the obligation to cite the source with a link to

The official signs of the Tourist Board City of Ivanić-Grad and other documents presented on these pages may not be copied and used for commercial purposes, in other publications, written or electronic, without the prior approval of the Tourist Board City of Ivanić-Grad.

The editorial staff of the website strives to ensure that all published information is accurate and complete, but due to the speed and short deadlines in which information is posted, errors are possible. For this reason, we emphasize that all data are for informational purposes only, and other purposes we recommend checking with relevant sources of information.

The Tourist Board of Ivanić-Grad is not responsible for the contents or the availability of other sites to which it refers via links. It is allowed to place a link to the Internet page of the Ivanić-Grada Tourist Board on other pages.

The Tourist Board of Ivanić-Grad reserves the right to change the content and conditions of use of this page without prior notice and is not responsible for any damage caused by such changes.

To continuously improve the pages, the editorial office collects data on downloaded content, visit time, access method, data related to IP address and the most visited content, while not intruding into the user's privacy, which is maximally protected.

Cookie Policy

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What are cookies?

A cookie is a small data file that is stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a certain website. With the help of cookies, the website remembers your actions and preferences (such as username, language, font size and other preferences related to display) for a long period, so it is not necessary to re-enter them every time you return to the website or moving from one of its pages to another.

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On some of our pages, we use cookies that are not strictly necessary to display the website, but will allow you to have a more pleasant browsing experience.

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The following data is stored using cookies: your preferred display settings, such as browser language, color contrast, font size; the device used, the desired display settings for search results and notifications, your last visit to the website (for statistical purposes) and the last three pages visited (to be available to our help desk if we receive any inquiries from you), whether or not you have consented to our use of cookies on that page.

Some videos embedded in our pages use cookies to collect statistics about how you got there and which videos you visited.

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You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish. You can delete all cookies already stored on your device, and the settings of most browsers allow you to block the storage of cookies. If you block cookies, you may have to manually adjust some preferences each time you visit the website, and certain services and functions may not be available.

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